Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010; The Silly Season

Tomorrow is election day in the US and I've never seen, read of, or heard of an election season where the fundamental retardation of humans was revealed with such vividness. I mean, an American election, at the best of times, goes on and on and on and has only fleeting moments of entertainment, but this year it was like feeding time in the monkey house. The only moment of redemption was that goofy, rally Jon Stewart hard which showed that there are still people with some sense of humour and a little balance....but for the rest!

Both sides!

There was that raging maniac in Florida who did a cut and paste of a religious speech by his opponent and made him look like a fruitcake (American Taliban, I think was the phrase). But if you think I feel sorry for the idiot Republican, "victim" of this, forget it. He started it by giving religious speeches. I hate when the religious go public. They should read their Bible...specifically Matthew: "...when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret." (Yeah, fuck, I've read the whole have to if you're going to understand the profound ignorance of humans.)


There's that wack-job in Delaware who denies people the right to solitary pleasure (...not reading the Bible, if you know what I mean and I think you do). Jayzus, if The Boys didn't have a good diddle from time to time, they'd be bigger fucking messes than they are!!!

Then there's the construction guy in New York. Everyone thinks he's vulgar because he sent out emails showing humans having sex with horses. They think he found this kind of smut amusing. Here's my theory about this sad, angry little man: he sent out the images to test the waters. Look at him! He was hoping that if someone found fucking a horse erotic they might—just might!—fuck him!

The ones who aren't clinically mental are amazingly stupid and all of them seem as crooked as the Elephant Man's dick.

But the winner is someone who is not even running...leader of them all—right and left—because she is the incarnation of their silliness, captain of the Ship of Fools, El Presidente of The Confederacy of Dunces, l'idiota di Alaska. Sarah Palin is why I loooooooooove American politics! She's why I find politics up here and damn near anywhere else so hopelessly boring. No show is better than when a good, old-fashioned crackpot is released on the political stage and becomes a star.

God bless America!

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