The Smell Carol
I smell the smells
Where are the smells
They seem to say
Eat me today!
Christmas is good
Everything's food!
Smells in the pan
Smells in the can
Pong Pong Pong Pong
That is there song
Quiv'ring my dong
It can't be wrong!
One seems to hear
From those who're near
Don't touch the meal
That is the deal
But smells compel
Eat! Go to hell!
Feast on the trash!
Then make a dash!
Hairy, hairy, hairy, hairy food ball
Hairy, hairy, hairy, hairy food ball
Under the chair
Just waiting there
Smelling so good
It gives me wood
Pong Pong Pong Pong
I'm Dreaming...
I'm dreaming of a tight cooter
Just like the ones I used to know
The ones that glisten
Or used for pissin'
And got my dog balls all aglow.
I'm dreaming of a ripe pussy
With every bitch I smell in heat
May her thighs be hairy and right
And may her howling always be a fright!
O Christmas Tree!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Your are so great for pee-ing!
It's like outdoors has come inside
And soon you'll smell like something died!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
You are so great for pee-ing!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
It's also great for eating!
The candy canes that hang from it,
And bark and needles in my shit!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
You're also great for eating!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Your baubels taste delightful!
The prezzies wrapped, beneath a bough -
They almost scream, "Come drench me now!"
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
You baubels taste delightful!