Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009; Change of Seasons

Couchzilla; and the discussion of my weight seems germane as not all of me fits on this hideously huge thing.

The seasons are changing; you can feel it in the air. Though it's only the end of August, the leaves are already falling and I can remember walks I took in the autumn with Frank to buy him cigarettes, the paper, a little smut and the canned food of which he never seemed to tire.

And that's why I've been writing about sex and fucking so much because a change of seasons, for a dog, also brings a change in our coat and for some reason this makes me horny. Because my fur is getting thicker and it's still not frigid cold outside, I am toasty warm and, on the warmer—Indian Summer-like—days, even hot which makes,what can I say.

But this time I will try to write about other things like what's around me instead of what's down there, staring at me in the face over and over again, with it's big red eye. I simply thank Dog that I can toddle out of the room, now, without the Mooks being on my ass every fucking second, and take care of business.

But like I said, I won't harp on that but it is sort of like saying: Don't think of a pink elephant. Try it. See if you don't think about that big pink fucker every time. (If you know what I mean and I think you do.)

And I think I am so confused because all the relationships in my life (mine with other people and other people among each other) are so nebulous and difficult to pin down. The Mooks, for instance, have an odd thing going. They have been together for over 16 years and seem to have a strange warm glow around them. They talk sometimes, but most of the time they just hum along—Mook A lost in World of Warcraft or his books and Mook B at his laptop obsessing about work or some such thing. The Mooks have their drives and little fantasies which have nothing to do with their couplehood (A, for instance, can't look at any other man in the entire world without sizing him up like a slab of prime beef and I suspect none of his male friends and associates are safe from his dark little illusions/delusions about them). They also have their common interests—never stated explicitly—which include food, arty movies and travel. None of these things, as you can see, involve me. However, I have no doubt that I am somewhat important in their lives because they often talk about me, hold me, fight with me and, Dog knows, walk me. But am I a convenient third wheel which can be discarded when necessary or am I a vital cog in the machine of this household? That isn't clear.

So we drift along, now entering our fourth season together. Then will come Christmas and birthdays. The heating will be turned on and I will artificially shed my coat because of it and then freeze my dick off outside. They might get me a little sweater for Christmas and it will be something butch—as butch as these things go—but I will still look like a gay dog, walked along in the slush by a gay man, trying desperately to convey the message to all the other dogs on the street that if they mess with me, I will rip them apart.


Except comfort will set in, as it did with Frank, and I will start to insist on the sweater before going out 'cause—Christamighty!—it's fucking cold out there! Before you know it I will also be hobbling about because of the salt on the street for the ice, and the gravel which will get caught in the clumps of frost between the pads of my paws and I will actually like it when the Mooks buy me those little booties to protect my tootsies. And I will get fatter, and more complacent, and fall asleep during dumb movies and every night, when I curl up in Mook B's bed, let out a sigh of fatigue and contentment that says something very specific...that says too much...that says I am satisfied in this strange, nebulous world of pomo faggots and girlfriends who are not girlfriends and male friends who are male friends. And all will have settled down and heat will not be heat as I knew it, it will be warmth.

Well, well, well.

Shoot me. Shoot me now.

Friday, August 28, 2009

April 28, 2009; A Nice Visitor

Waiting outside while the nurse visits...she broke my heart

So my beloved nurse visited on Wednesday and noted that Mook A had again lost weight (31 pounds, he keeps crowing!) and then said, pointing at me, "But this one has gotten fat!" I was so stunned I let myself be ushered out onto the balcony, my heart broken.

Things took a decidedly pleasanter turn yesterday with the visit of a friend of the Mooks', whom up 'til now I've been calling Mookette but who, because I like her, deserves a name (unlike the Mooks). She's Cate and she's lovely and funny and never stops playing with me. She's also the only one the Mooks will leave me alone with—they don't spend all their time "protecting" her from me as they do with the nurses and any other visitor who walks through the door.

What I really love about Cate is that she plays rough. I mean really rough. The two of us will get on the sofa and just go at it. I can nip all I want, I can yank at her clothing and she just laughs her head off and throws me about. It's wild stuff! Yesterday, though, it got just that little bit wilder.

I mean, she always smells so good (I still have her scent on me hours after she's gone and it comforts me), and she's so physical, and when we fight it's crazed and she gives me these great hugs and kisses. Well...a boy just reacts. We were playing like mad and she needed a breather but I don't give those, so she just rolled her back and hid her face while I tried to pull her hair from behind. Except...

...except as I was trying to jump up her back to grab her short hair, I was...well...reminded of something...something deep and instinctual which has been hidden in the darkness for so long. I realized I wasn't jumping on her back anymore, that I was holding on with my paws and then...well then. You know!!!

She didn't know what I was up to back there, but Mook A must have seen the dazed look on my face or understood the reason why my tongue was dangling out and he roared: "LÉO! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" Of course I did though, if this had been the real thing, I would have been locked in (if you know what I mean and I think you do).

Cate said, "What is he doing?" as I scrambled to the other end of the couch. A bellowed, "Have a look and guess!"

Sure enough, I had about two pink inches jutting out and set to calming them down as quickly as possible by licking frantically. Cate's reaction was to laugh like a nut and I felt a little easier but A wouldn't leave it alone, so to speak: "You disgusting little animal!"

Cate just laughed, my part went back to where it had been hidden and I just looked across the room at A, trying to burn him to cinders with my eyes.

That motherfucking hypocrite! I happen to know for a fact...well, let's just say this: if he ever dies in a car accident, he better hope that his fucking iPod gets destroyed along with him 'cause the gigs of porn he carries in that thing would keep an army of slavering rub-off artists busy for a year.

For the rest of Cate's visit I just cuddled up to her and slept the sleep of the satisfied.

Ain't anatomy a funny thing?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25, 2009; Porn

I know what's up...if you know what I mean and I think you do.

I know porn. I'm no Puritan. But...Jesus!

Frank watched porn all the time. He would sit in front of the TV and just stare at it, amazed by what was happening on the screen, not quite understanding it. Sometimes he would narrate the story, trying to understand why there were so many holes in it. "How did the repair man get in? He just walked in without a key and knew exactly where the washing machine was. That doesn't happen in real life! And how many times do you think the woman really takes off all her clothes to wash them and then sit on the machine waiting for the clothes to be clean? And if she's doing a washing and the machine is working, why does she need a repair man for it?"

I thought that, by living with queers, I would get away from this kind of thing or, if they started watching the other kind of thing, I could at least run and hide (as this apartment is way bigger than Frank's and they don't insist on me sitting on their laps like he did). The thing is, there is a shortage of free homo porn on the new TV stations, so Mook A watches the straight stuff and seems to be doing it from anthropological interest more than anything. This interest gave way to one of the most hair-raising conversations I've ever heard, the other night.

It began with A explaining to B why he found this stuff fascinating. "I try to guess if the woman is really getting off, for one thing," he said, "and for another, I am constantly amazed by how far a woman is willing to mutilate herself for a job in that industry. You wouldn't believe the boob jobs gone wrong on some of these creatures!" B was not vaguely interested and this seemed to miff A. "Look, don't act so pious. I know what you're up to on the internet." B looked up and his face gave everything away. (I suspected as much, but now I know.)

A laughed his ass off, but B got serious. "I hope to hell you haven't been nosing about on my computer," he said—sounding more guilty by the second. A said, "Look, there is no chance of that. Not a chance." B was reluctant to believe this so A went on: "Do you think I want to know what goes on in your head...I mean deep, deep down? The best way to destroy any good feelings we have for each other would be to explore the caves...know what I mean?"

Things then took a decidedly lighter turn—for them, not for me. This is where it gets scary. "What would you do," B said, "if you looked in my browser cache and found all sorts of porn with little boys?" They both exploded with laughter but it only struck me, at that moment, that though they might not be into this someone out there is and a shiver went up my spine.

But it went on!

"No, how about scat?" A said and they both roared with laughter and my head exploded with the idea. I mean: Boom!

"I gotta tell you this story," A said. "When I was in my late teens-early 20s, New York city was an amazingly sleazy place. Even Times Square was mind-boggling. They had these drug addicts and whores and pimps and peep shows and all the tourists went there because it was porn like no one had ever seen. But here's the thing: all the gays still in the closet went there too because the peep shows were done in such a way that when you went in, no one knew what you would be watching."

B didn't get it (nor did I), so A explained. "In the back of the sex shop, they'd have these little booths with curtains on them...only curtains. And outside the booth they'd have a list of the five-minute movie clips you could see inside; in each booth you had your choice of pieces of five or six different movies. Sometimes the lists of films inside the booth had pictures of the film, sometimes it was just titles and you took your chances when you went in the booth. So then you'd go in the booth, pull the curtain shut, stick in a quarter and press on one of the five or six buttons you had in front of you and you'd see bits of a movie. Of course you'd try all the buttons because sometimes you'd get a bit of the movie that was just talk-talk-talk and sometimes you'd get the action...know what I mean?"

B nodded, but I couldn't help hearing Frank's voice in my head and one of his old-timey expressions: "Never buy a pig in a poke" which meant something like "Caveat emptor" or "Buyer beware."

"Anyway, one time," A went on, "I went in because one of the choices of film was called, Farm Fun or Love on the Farm or some such and I thought there was a chance it might be about male ranch hands during a hot day, starting with shirts off—"

"—yeah, yeah, yeah, I get the picture," B said, demonstrating that mildly prudish side that A finds adorable.

A went on, laughing (though the rest, I feel, is decidedly unfunny and still makes me faintly nauseous when I think about it). (By the way, that's a warning to delicate readers.) "So I'm clicking the buttons, getting a lot of yadda-yadda-yadda porn and no hunky ranch hands with their shirts off when I run into a scene like none I'd ever witnessed in my life." He paused for dramatic effect before going on.

"Male pig, guy behind, woman beneath—"

"—STOP!" B screamed (bless him!) but then they both hooted with merriment.

The story has lessons:
1) Humans are sick fucks.
2) Never poke a pig that is bi.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22, 2009; The Intelligence of Dogs

You have no idea...

There have been a lot of studies about the intelligence of dogs. A recent one says that we have the intelligence of a child of two and a half or so and we understand about 200 words or so.


Children of two and a half may be able to speak a little better but they do not understand nearly as much as we do. There are a lot of reasons for this but primarily it's this: we listen, we don't talk. Because we listen we learn a lot of things—several languages, for instance, and the subtleties of each. Think about it: if humans could only listen instead of yack yack yack all the time, they would—when they could express themselves—speak considerably better then other humans. Stephen Hawking, perfect example. Sure, when dogs speak dog we all sound like morons because, like Italian families, all we do is yell all the time. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Get out of here! Fuck off! Waddya want! Fuck me! Come here and say that!" and that kind of thing. We never listen when we speak dog.

But among humans, we're all pretty much geniuses and it's not that we understand only 200 words or so, it's that we don't chose to notice all the other words that blather out of your big fat mouths. We respond to hard orders, say: "Sit! Heel! Lie down!" because the implication is that if we don't respond to them, violence will follow. We respond to treats like, "Suppertime! Walkies! Want to play!" because that's the only fucking time you're almost interesting. All that other stuff, we chose to ignore.

Sure! We know you don't want us to piss or shit on the floor—what do you think we are, retards? But it's our fucking floor, it's our fucking territory, and that's what it's there for, idiots!

The other part of the study suggests that dogs are smart because we're empathetic; that we'll come over to you when things are hard and put our cute little heads on your knees when you're crying or simply blue.

Well, yes and no.

In Mook Manor, in the last days, I've been doing a lot of that, especially with A who is being pounded by the heat, by wretched medical news and by visits from nurses which always seem to include discomfort and pain. So I go to him when he's staring out into space and put my head on his knee, look up at him with my beautiful eyes and sometimes he even cries a little when he sees me.

Nice, eh?

Well, yes and no.

What I am actually doing is this: going to him when he's down, putting my head on his knee, staring up at him with my beautiful eyes (which, let's face it, can't help being beautiful) and thinking: "Snap out of this, it's time for my fucking walk." He cries, gets it out of his system, hugs me and then rewards me with exactly what I wanted: the walk.

So, in a sense, I do feel his pain...but only when it becomes my pain.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19, 2009; Dog Things

This end when they're at the other one

One good thing you can say for the queers: they know assholes!

Now before I go on, I feel I must warn you that what follows may try more delicate sensibilities; mind, if you've been following this blog at all I figure you're not a pussy.


I was on a walk with Mook A the other day when a call of nature hit and I began to go about my business. As usual, as I set to, A took a black, plastic (biodegradable...sheesh) bag out of his pocket and prepared for my offering. Problem: things were going as well as might be expected but something was not working. I had something long and sticky holding on for dear life and it would not get out! I strained, and moved about and nothing. A noticed my little Russian squat dance and went, "What now, for fuck's sake!?" and tried to investigate except I wasn't having him anywhere near there, thanks. But no matter how much I strained and how bug-eyed I was getting, that thing was holding on for dear life so I thought I'd scoot it off. A went ballistic and shouted, "No, you idiot, you're just going to make a mess!" and bent down, bag still wrapped over his hand like a glove, and went for it. "Oh, good Christ in heaven!" he howled, "What, in the name of fuck have you eaten now!"

Down there, with the bag on his hand, he gave good, clean tug and pulled a three or four inch branch of something out of me. I can't say the sensation was totally unpleasant and it was definitely nice to have things clear back there. But not clear enough for the Mook cause he went to wiping and tidying me up and pissing and moaning things like, "Now you see why I have to walk you in alleys, you little fuck—to keep you from doing this kind of thing around civilized people." (Excuse me! In my experience, I have seen very little evidence that people are particularly civilized!)

Anyway, the walk ended and we went home and A told the whole story to B and added something interesting: "I am getting seriously tired of being forced to rummage around in the assholes of every dog we own." Ah! So the sainted Cosmo did this too! Nice to know.

As it happens, I am prone to munching on leaves and branches when we're out on the balcony. The Mooks gave up ages ago on trying to keep me from doing it thinking it could do no harm. Now they yell at me for it again.

Meanwhile, HELLO! It's my fucking birthday and it went by completely unnoticed. Even the Mooks who named me Léo, for chrissakes, didn't note it. Leo! Leo! Get it, idiots!

It's all abuse. Even from people I used to like. Like the nurse.

First, let me be clear: my beloved is on vacation which means we have a replacement nurse for the three-times-a-week visits and I really adored her too. She's a foxy young thing and plays with me like mad when she arrives. If I had one quibble with her, it is her way of flirting with A. He mentions how much weight he's lost, she says things like, "You should stop the diet now cause you're already a stud!" and he giggles like a schoolgirl because he, queer as he is, can't help noticing how foxy (and young, let me stress young) she is. (Frankly, I think she says things like that to help his self-esteem because, let's face it, he's human wreckage.)

Anyway, they were talking about the Mook's weight and she said, looking at me, "Him, on the other hand, seems to have put on a bit of weight."

Well, fuuuuuuuuuuuck you!

And thus endeth that love story.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 16, 2009; The Fable of The Retarded Squirrel

So fucking hot and the only consolation is this tasty parsley.

When I was younger (actually, yesterday but for the style of the narrative, indulge me), I would while away the hours and watch the comings and goings of the squirrels in the trees around.

In the dense heat of summer, there appeared one squirrel who set about creating a nest to which he wished to woo a mate. The squirrel found a crook in the branches of a tall tree and set about gathering leaves from other boughs. He would bring the leaves and bits of branch back to the crock, work away, and slowly formed the beginnings of his nest.

However, poor Mr. Squirrel had chosen a bad crook and it was not at all shaped to receive his nest. For every leaf and twig he added, several would fall from the bottom of the nest to the ground. But day after day he would work—racing about the limbs of the tree, collecting leaves and twigs, racing back to his nest and setting to, never noticing that his nest actually seemed to be diminishing the more he worked.

In the process, he was making enemies. The people who owned the garden beneath his soi-disant nest kept having to pick up all of the fallen leaves and each time would shake their fists at the sky, seeing the squirrel and bellowing at it. But the squirrel was too far up and did not fear them and simply kept on working, day after day.

Finally, Mr. Squirrel stopped, sat himself in his nest (which now was simply three or four leaves and a a few sharp twigs which poked in his eye and skin) and he waited. He waited and waited for a mate who would never be wooed to his nest as all the normal female squirrels were busy fucking male squirrels who were not such imbeciles and had created nests more lovely and in which babies could be born without summarily becoming small blobs of flesh, bone and blood on the ground beneath.

The moral of this tale is: Always plan ahead and if you're retarded you should be renting.

This is a fable the Mooks have apparently not read. Three days ago we were watching a movie in the dreadful heat and Mook A asked Mook B, "Did you check the dimensions on the web site of the couch that's arriving tomorrow?" B had not, went to the Sears web site and discovered the couch a) might not make it up the stairs of the third floor apartment and b) might not pass through the doors if it got there. He phoned Sears in a panic, explained that we lived in a 125 year old building and the company rep said, "We've never not been able to deliver a piece of furniture." (Of course, the company rep was likely someone who lived in Bangladesh where they don't have furniture, they eat it.)

The next morning, at nine, the delivery men arrived and this is when the Mooks learned: those who can, do, and those who can't hire those who can. These guys were fucking amazing. Not big, but they must have been just little stacks of muscle because in the fucking heat they did superman stuff.

Of course Couchzilla did not pass through the door at the top of the stairs and B danced about in embarrassment. He asked the real men what they could do to avoid sending the damn thing back to Sears and having to start the process over again. (Oh! Did I mention they had been waiting for this thing for a month and had already dismantled the couch which used to be in the living room? My own little pair of Retarded Squirrels.)

The men told the Mooks they could try bringing it over the balcony but just to try that would cost $80. By this time Mook A was in tears of laughter, B was ready to suck their cocks to solve this problem. So the sum was agreed to and that's when the real men really did their stuff. One of them ran up and down the two flights of stairs to spot the couch so that it would not kill pedestrians. The other simply yanked it slowly up to the balcony, strapped to his chest and neck.

They did get it in, but there was the small matter that they could not get it into the living room which meant the whole floor scheme of the place would have to be redone to put a bedroom in the living room and vice versa. A, by this time, was hiding on the balcony to cover up his mirth. B was getting hotter and was pissed. So they took a door off its hinges and the real men just pushed and like those baby squirrels which were born in other nests, the door was was finally delivered of the gargantua and all was well. Payments, tips and unpacking followed.

However, all was not over. B had not taken A's cruel joviality particularly well and for the rest of the day it was a nice little snipe-fest in my home. You ain't seen bitches 'til you've seen two males who have been together for 16 years go at it.

By nightfall peace reigned and we were in front of the TV, me curled up on the end of this scarlet monstrosity.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a couch to go pee on.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009; Good Sex, Bad Sex

Oh! my stars! What the hell are they watching now?

Since the Mooks got the new stations they watch a whole hell of a lot of television and that means that I do too. Most of it is that artsy-fartsy crap that a thinking dog sleeps through, but some of this stuff is...well—out there.

They seem to like documentaries about really fat people. I've seen hour after hour of the morbidly obese waddling about or, more often, just lying there waiting for bariatric surgery. I mean, Mook A is a bit tubby, but at least he began to slow down a bit before he got to the point where he'd kill me with a mere jiggle of his leg-pudge.

But beyond the insanely fat people shows, there are the shows about sex. Not porn (though, for some odd reason, A watches a good deal of that...the straight variety—go figure...). No, they watch documentaries about porn or the sex industry. You see a couple of those and you realize these freaks haven't even evolved past the monkeys! There are a couple of these programs which are just downright depressing (and if you have an anthropological streak in you, like I do, explain why the entire planet is headed to annihilation). One of them is actually a series about whores and pimps and johns. If you thought that part of things was cash-'n-carry-tidy, think again. The show seems to specialize in the real whores...the ones on crack, with no teeth and fucked up complexions and hair that hasn't seen shampoo in a month or two. You can practically smell them through the screen (and it's not a nice smell, like garbage).

The Mooks also watched this documentary about child prostitution and for most of it I wanted to call a vet to administer the Big Sleep. It was about kids who had been seduced and "turned out" (as they say) when they were 13 or so. The girls were all sad and missing something in their lives and finding that thing in exactly the wrong place: some fucking asshole who was going to sell them to anyone. The doc took a slight turn for the better, halfway through, but the Mooks were blubbering like babies and I just stared—wondering what semi-tard deity had put humans at the top of the food chain.

Suddenly living with a pair of old queens didn't seem so bad. One good thing? They rarely have sex, at their age, so there is none of that—er—noise to keep you from a good nap. Another thing? No kids. Also, they are both so broken down (especially A) that they don't go strutting around in the altogether which means I don't get exposed to the hairy hideousness of it all.

Sure, they still have drives. A can't walk past a guy in shorts without smacking into a tree and when he thinks no one is looking B surfs the internet (if you know what I mean, and I think you do). But there is none of that embarrassing messy stuff I see over and over again in the movies. And they don't recruit. (But then again, what the hell could they offer recruits?)

The only thing I'm confused about, with them, is who is the woman. A is the naggier one so I think he might be. But then again, B never passed a mirror he didn't like and primps every fucking time and he tends the sad little balcony gardens and vacuums a lot.

To put it bluntly, I don't think I have a Mommy. Just two Aunties.

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10, 2009; Bellies and Bathrooms

I'm not fat!

Things are glum at La Maison Mook.

I have not been writing because Mook A hasn't turned on his computer in a while—so depressed and messed up is he. He's been getting nothing but crap news from his nurses and when my beloved visits on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, it certainly isn't the same old happy-talk coming out of that bedroom. Indeed, I don't know what atrocities are being done in there, but he does not sound like the carnival is in town.

I'm a bit worried about him—as much as I worry about any human—because after losing Frank I don't want to go through the tiresome process of training another one. So I am keeping a close eye on this one—staying glued to his ass and when I notice his mood shifting I close in and cuddle him up. (We dogs all have that art of being sympathetic down pat—it's a survival tool.) Problem: he's a little weepy these days and there is nothing I hate more than a wet head.

One place I like to follow the Mooks is to the bathroom. They think this makes me a little wacko but it is the place where I feel the most comfortable and in control. When I lived with Frank I would spend hours in there while he was "reading" and sometimes I would just go in there because the floor was always cool and I could get some real darkness if I needed to sleep. But the Mooks do a wide variety of bizarro crap in there besides "reading" and, especially with Mook A, I like to see all the gadgets and bandages and such which go into the routine.

When A went back to the computer and to that game he plays—World of Warcraft—I knew that the hard times were passing and, more importantly, I'd have access to my blog while he was occupied elsewhere (as the computer is always on). But with the good mood came the renewed attention to his fucking diet and that, my friends, is where things truly went bad.

This morning was weighing day. He announced that he had lost another pound and then he picked me up and I thought it was for a little hug of joy. Nope. "Mother fuck!" he bellowed. "What! What! What!" Mook B yelled back. "This little porker has put on seven fucking pounds since we got him. From a healthy 17 to a grotesque 24!"

Well, even to me this was a shock. I mean, that's the size of a tubby chihuahua with a teacup terrier on its back. This means I am not quite the tight little war machine I thought I was! Mother fuck is right! But what to do?

They were talking diet almost immediately but I was thinking: they feed me dust as it is—3/4 cup of dry with two or three tablespoons of wet, twice a day. I am still so frigging hungry when I'm done with it! Where the hell can you go from starvation rations?

Clearly, smaller portions are on the way because these two certainly won't be getting off their arses to exercise me more—that's clear. But I do like my food and I do like my sleep and it is sooooooo hot out today.

Wouldn't it be nice if dogs could barf?

I mean more than we already do.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4, 2009; Little Critters

Kids in a schoolyard, a dog's nightmare (and why do you think they keep them in cages?)

Hey!—I'm getting tired of this. Yesterday it was the nurse and today it was a house-guest. "Oh! He's putting on weight!" they said. This, of course, opened the door for Mook A to say, "Yeah, I've lost 22 pounds and he's found it." Hardy-fucking-har.

Apparently the Sainted Late Cosmo never got tubby and was sleek and handsome 'til the day they offed him. But one thing I've also heard about him: he didn't like children. On this we are agreed.

I was thinking of this during the walk, this afternoon, when a murder of kids came dancing and la-la-la-ing down the block, on our side, and started shrieking, "Doggie! Doggie! Doggie!" when they saw me. Mook A immediately reeled me in and pushed over to the side of the sidewalk to let the little fuckers pass and keep me from molestation. Their mother (or nanny or shepherd...whatever you call those hapless broads) kept them from me but it isn't always so easy. Sometimes there's no escape.

You have to understand: human children are the most retarded beings on the face of the earth. Every other animal fends for itself pretty soon after birth, but humans start helpless, develop the most basic of motor skills and only far, far, far later in life grow a brain and some semblance of consciousness and conscience. Until that time—well past their teens—they are vicious pack-animals who prey on the weak, try to attack the strong (when they're in a group) and if no victim presents itself, devour each other. (You think I'm kidding? Look into any schoolyard and see how many of the little cretins are being picked on or are simply cast aside by the herd.)

And the problem is there is not a fucking thing a dog can do about it. We're actually put down when we attack one of them! Do you believe it???!!! I mean, I can be minding my own business and one of these tards wobbles up to me and starts yanking my fur or poking me in the eye and the onlookers honestly believe I should take it! I say to that: Fuck that noise! Survival of the fittest, baby-cakes. Poke me in the eye and I'm going to tear that fat little finger off! (And they sure are tasty, let me tell you, cause they always have something gooey and sweet stuck to them.)

But no!

If I so much as grunt at one of them, a scream from hell and, often, a hail of blows comes down on my head. Now is that fair? At least with adults, if they tease you you can fight back and they say you're feisty or energetic or some damn thing. If you do it with a six year old you get torn a new asshole...if you're lucky and are not "destroyed" as they like to call it.

The worst is when they come at you like a swarm of African bees; suddenly you're surrounded by five of them who are losing their fucking minds and thumping about on their big fat legs and sticking their humongous hideous faces in yours and "petting" you—except when they "pet" it's like being gang-raped: hard little things going in holes all over you where they don't belong and definitely don't fit.

I can't even nip playfully with one of them because some of them seem to be made of fucking Kleenex and starts squealing like a piglet and then, watch out; you're labeled "out of control."

And to think, they put dogs on leashes and let these awful things run free.

Thank God for traffic.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1, 2009: Of Dogs and Men


For once the Mooks and I are on the same page, today.

First, there was a bath...I'm still all a-tingle, even though Mook A, while he was giving it to me notes: "How can a dog with no balls get an erection!" Sorrrrrrry for being stimulated...want to cut my frank off, now that you've gotten rid of the beans?


The other thing the Mooks and I mightily agree on is this whole Michael Vick thing. A was tearing around this morning, bellowing about it, after he read an article in the paper.

First off, let me say that I admire football players no end. I don't believe they do steroids, I don't believe they're all retards, I don't believe they'd all be washing cars if it wasn't for the sport. I believe they are modern day warriors and Frank and I, back when, could watch game after game on a Sunday afternoon just to see these guys in combat. More: they' re real men. Look, admit it: baseball players are all sissies. Hockey players? skates not being used as weapons in a sport...what's the point of that—they might as well be fucking figure-skaters. All the others—golf, bowling, basketball? One word: homos. Soccer? They players don't even speaka-da-English. And don't get me started on anything else in the Olympics.

But football—where you can be so injured in a game that you drool and talk to chairs for the rest of your life, or spend eternity peeing in a bag or rolling around in a wheelchair—now that's a fucking sport!

Except for Michael Vick.

What kind of fucking faggot-in-hiding needs to prove he's a man by torturing and killing fucking dogs? What kind of fart-knocking, banana-blowing, Michael-Jackson-loving, friend-of-Dorothy do you have to be to turn the noblest of all beings on Earth into vicious monsters who must kill or be killed? Even your average gay—and you couldn't get more average than the two I'm living with—have bigger cojones than someone who would do what Michael Vick did.

Worse! They're letting him back in the game? What next? Ax murderers as tight-ends? Baby-killers on tackle? Pedophiles as QBs? Nope! And you know why? Because those guys harm humans and you couldn't have that. But get a dog murderer in there and everything is just hunky-fucking-dory.

I'd like to rip all their fucking eyes out and shove it up their collective butt so they could see how big an asshole they all are.

I think I'll start watching ballroom dancing; the testosterone level there appears to be higher.